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Cataclysm: Bright Nights

Binding new type

Adding new type to the doc generator without binding internals

If a C++ type has not been registered in the doc generator, it will show up as <cppval: **gibberish** >. To mitigate this problem, you can add LUNA_VAL( your_type, "YourType" ) in catalua_luna_doc.h, and the generator will use YourType string for argument type.

Binding new type to Lua

First, we need to register the new type with the bindings system. It needs to be done for many reasons, including so that the doc generator understands it, and the runtime can deserialize from JSON any Lua table that contains that type. If you don’t you’ll get a compile error saying Type must implement luna_traits<T>.

  1. In catala_luna_doc.h, add declaration for your type. For example, if we’re binding an imaginary horde type (which is a struct), it will be a single line near the top of the file:

    struct horde;

    Complex templated types may need to actually pull in the relevant header, but please avoid it as it heavily impacts compilation times.

  2. In the same file, register your type with the doc generator. Continuing with the horde example, it’s done like this:

    LUNA_VAL( horde, "Horde" );

    While C++ types use all kinds of style for their names, on Lua side they all should be in CamelCase.

Now we can actually get to the details. The bindings are implemented in catalua_bindings*.cpp files. They are spread out into multiple .cpp files to speed up compilation and make it easy to navigate, so you can put yours into any existing catalua_bindings*.cpp file or make your own similar file. They are also spread out into functions, for the same reasons. Let’s register our horde type, and put it in a new file and a new function:

  1. Add a new function declaration in catalua_bindings.h:
    void reg_horde( sol::state &lua );
  2. Call the function in reg_all_bindings in catalua_bindings.cpp:
    reg_horde( lua );
  3. Make a new file, catalua_bindings_horde.cpp, with the following contents:
    #ifdef LUA
    #include "catalua_bindings.h"
    #include "horde.h" // Replace with the header where your type is defined
    void cata::detail::reg_horde( sol::state &lua )
        sol::usertype<horde> ut =
                luna::constructors <
                    // Define your actual constructors here
                    horde( const point & ),
                    horde( int, int )
                    > ()
        // Register all needed members
        luna::set( ut, "pos", &horde::pos );
        luna::set( ut, "size", &horde::size );
        // Register all needed methods
        luna::set_fx( ut, "move_to", &horde::move_to );
        luna::set_fx( ut, "update", &horde::update );
        luna::set_fx( ut, "get_printable_name", &horde::get_printable_name );
        // Add (de-)serialization functions so we can carry
        // our horde over the save/load boundary
        reg_serde_functions( ut );
        // Add more stuff like arithmetic operators, to_string operator, etc.
  4. That’s it. Your type is now visible in Lua under name Horde, and you can use the binded methods and members.

Binding new enum to Lua

Binding enums is similar to binding types. Let’s bind an imaginary horde_type enum here:

  1. If enum does not have an explicitly defined container (the : type part after enum name in the header where it’s defined), you’ll have to specify the container first, for example:
      // hordes.h
    - enum class horde_type {
    + enum class horde_type : int {
  2. Add the declaration to catalua_luna_doc.h
    enum horde_type : int;
  3. Register it in catalua_luna_doc.h with
    LUNA_ENUM( horde_type, "HordeType" )
  4. Ensure the enum implements the automatic conversion to/from std::string, see enum_conversions.h for details. Some enums will already have it, but most won’t. Usually it’s just a matter of specializing enum_traits<T> for your enum T in the header, then defining io::enum_to_string<T> in the .cpp file with enum -> string conversion. Some enums won’t have the “last” value required for enum_traits<T>. In that case, you’d have to add one:
      enum class horde_type : int {
    -   zombies
    +   zombies,
    +   num_horde_types
    Note that this only works for “monotonic” enums, i.e. ones that start with 0 and don’t skip any values. In the example above, animals has implicit value of 0, robots has implicit value of 1 and zombies has implicit value of 2, so we can easily add num_horde_types, which will have correct and expected implicit value of 3.
  5. Bind enum fields in reg_enums function in catalua_bindings.cpp:
    reg_enum<horde_type>( lua );
    This uses the automatic convertion from step 4, so we have equal names between JSON and Lua.

Binding new string_id<T> or int_id<T> to Lua

Binding these can be done separately from binding T itself.

  1. Register your type T with the doc generator if you haven’t already (see relevant docs).
  2. Replace LUNA_VAL from step 1 with LUNA_ID.
  3. Ensure your type T implements operators < and ==. It’s usually easy implement them manually, and can be done semi-automatically with macro LUA_TYPE_OPS found in catalua_type_operators.h.
  4. In catalua_bindings_ids.cpp, add the header where your type T is defined:
    #include "your_type_definition.h"
  5. In reg_game_ids function, register it like so:
    reg_id<T, true>( lua );

That true can be replaced with false if you only want to bind string_id<T> and don’t care about (or can’t implement) int_id<T>.

You may get linker errors at this stage, e.g. about is_valid() or NULL_ID() methods, which are for various reasons not implemented forall string or int ids. In this case, you’ll have to define these manually, see relevant docs on string_id and int_id for more info.

And that’s it. Now, your type T will show up in Lua with Raw postfix, string_id<T> will have Id postfix, and int_id<T> will have IntId postfix. As example, for LUNA_ID( horde, "Horde" ), we’ll get:

  • horde -> HordeRaw
  • string_id<horde> -> HordeId
  • int_id<horde> -> HordeIntId All type conversions between the 3 are implemented automatically by the system. Actual fields and methods of T can be binded to Lua same way as usual.